Guest Developer ئاپەکان

Red Alert 1.0.1
Guest Developer
Guidelines for choosing and preparing a protected spaceChoose the protected space according to the amount of time atyour disposal from the moment the siren is sounded or an explosionis heard, in the following order of priority:MAMAD (Apartment Protected Space) or MAMAK (Floor ProtectedSpace – a protected room on each story of a multistory building)are the preferred choice.Apartment building bomb shelter: provided that the bomb shelteris internal and located inside the building, and provided that itcan be reached via an internal stairwell, regardless of the amountof warning time available.Public bomb shelter: provided you can reach it within therequired time from the moment the siren is sounded. If there is noMAMAD or MAMAK or bomb shelter, choose a protected internal spacewith the least number of exterior walls, windows and openings.Tenants of the top floor of a building more than three storieshigh without a MAMAD or MAMAK or an internal bomb shelter mustdescend two floors and remain in the stairwell.Tenants of the top floor of a three-story building without aMAMAD or MAMAK or an internal bomb shelter, must descend one floorand remain in the stairwell.For more information Phone 104 and visit Pikud Haoref
Touring Jerusalem 1.4
Guest Developer
What has not already been said about theholiest city in the world, the city that has been united, theeternal city first built thousands of years ago, whose history canbe heard in the whispering of the wind along the walls, where everystone tells a wondrous story of a city that has drawn millions offaithful pilgrims for thousands of years. Such is Jerusalem, thecapital of Israel, the only city in the world that has 70 names oflove and yearning, the city that in old maps appears at the centerof the world and is still adored like a young bride.Jerusalem is a city of overwhelming emotions, a city that promisesa religious and spiritual experience, excitement and pleasure,interesting tours and entertaining adventures. Here, alongsideJerusalem’s fascinating historic and archeological sites, there areamazingly modern tourist attractions for all lovers of culture, thearts, theater and music, architecture and gastronomicdelights.